How do you know my name? Slowly, he drew the pen from his pocket out and uncapped it, letting it transform into a three-foot sword made of celestial bronze. Ch 1 by NCalkins. Crazy stuff. I stumbles back from the chest, wrestling my sword out from my pocket. I have a quest for you, Perseus Jackson son of Poseidon. She sounded neutral. What did you do, Gaea?, Almost nothing, I swear, she said with a sly smile. Oh your friends will not be coming for you, they wouldnt want to come rescue a traitor., No. When I got reborn, I was out of fucks to give. The room was alive with whispers and hushed conversations as they waited for Poseidon to finish reading and deliver the verdict. ", > ""Gods I want to get fucked so bad right now!" If hes in pain, and believe me, he is, I feel it.. Voldemort sees Gloria Potter as a prize to be won - or taken by force. He cursed in ancient Greek. Hazel. It's exceptional well written for someone who was just in high-school which Zerefs Deciple was* I was in 6th grade when I first found the fiction after reading PercyJackson for the first time. We melted into the shadows and disappeared. He was sixteen when the Joker killed him. Not for a complete stranger right? Stars in your lips, the universe in your eyes, my whole world in your hands. A swipe of his scythe and Kronos is gone. -Andthis is his sister Thalia, daughter of Zeus. Chiron continued as if Lupahadnt interrupted him, pointing at the dark-haired girl with electric blue eyes. My actions were in vain however, as my captors just clamped down harder on the bruised flesh of my forearms, giving me no resistance. Stripped of most of his domains and stuck performing menial tasks for the Titans' entertainment, Apollo is desperate for any change. Leo. 38.5K 1K 5. Where are you? I really need some divine help here.. You are nothing without the aid of the Giants., Big words for someone whos never getting off this glacier again, laughed Perseus. Zeus then let a pink flame rise above his hand, and then gorged me in it. She's hiding her own bit of darkness that is compatible with his own, if only she can tell him before outside circumstances attempt to rip them apart by the seams. While she manages to fight back, there are nonetheless lasting consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy and extensive trauma. The dark-haired swordsman feinted and aimed for Jasons other side, which was completely defenseless. What if it's more complicated than ever? As the energy from the adrenaline rush left Percy, leaving him exhausted, so did his temper. ", Percy is (somewhat) pleasantly surprised to find out she has a (somewhat) normal uncle. Annabeth! The pretty Greek brunette her voice wasnt the same as the one a while ago yelled. I saw you look at the fake Percy and I could tell you still loved me. Once Gaea was defeated, the Roman and Greek camps decided to join together to make one even larger camp, complete with roman temples, weapons, dishes, war games and fauns. I cant believe everyone was idiotic enough to fall for my ploy, everything I said, did, everything Iwas was a lie. Frank. Chances are they wouldnt be out looking for stragglers at this time, it was far too late for even the most devious of campers to be up. There used to be a great Percy Jackson fanfic called New Girl on but the author removed all of their works for some reason. That place is in Alaska, beyond the gods powers. Until it all changed at noon when two pranksters from the Hermes cabin ruined every thing. website builder. I could feel my heart beating in my chest. In his hours of mourning, he makes a pivo percy and Annabeth break up so percy leaves camp he goes to live with his mom but he is flashed to Olympus where they will make him a God if likes it or not even though After the sudden arrival of Rhea into the throne room, Olympus is thrown a spiral as they are given the ultimatum of a marriage for peace, or war. Thanks. My eyes snapped open. Jackson, you will do it or your friends will die. It stopped halfway down my back, and began to change after that. Suddenly, Grover stiffened. They followed the crowd as they moved slowly to their lockers to get their English textbooks. He gave a high-pitched whinny of fear. I want you to meet your torturer. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Max Gets Sick Chapter 1: Neils Experiment . What kind of stupid move was that? I almost smiled. Seph was sixteen when she met Jason Todd. Percy didnt look up. Annabeth sat beside me, clutching my hand like she was afraid that if shelet go, Iwould disappear. Labor and delivery had been quick and complication free, but Percy was still exhausted. We took off through the night sky and over the sleeping camp. Grover looked almost as bad. Jason Todd was seven when he learnt that life on the streets sucked. Home Almost like an Iris message that didnt require a rainbow. I grinned. The gods are acting suspicious, and if Percy can't control himself, the demigods might end up enacting World War III in the throne room. I flailed frantically in the air, trying to reach the stone walls of the cavern. His hair was caked with dried blood. Sorry buddy.. At least, not where he expected it. Lets just get this show on the road already.. And in doing so, somehow manages to forget the yee old pull-out method. I marched up to her. Ill do it., Good. What if Perseus heritage is a bit different? At first, nothing happened. Work Search: He should just ignore her as she turned around to face him and he should definitelyignore what she was going to say-, When you decide to stop being a total ass and want to remember, come find me, Seaweed Brain.. Snape and McGonagall were going to be teaching sex ed. She is about to give the male demigods what they deserve, and I'm sure they're all happy about it. It wasnt that he was afraid of her, per se. I tried to stand, but I couldnt, I fell hard on the ice before I was even crouching and everything went dark. Although flinching hurt, and rolling over was almost unbearable, I always felt most at ease with my forehead pressed up against the cool ice. I was speechless. I couldnt protect everyone I cared about at the same time and there was no way we would be able to fight another war so soon after the other. Do you know where he is?. I wanted to make a fanfic about percy already being a god in dc universe, he will be very powerful. Annabeth dies and Percy becomes a god. Not that he needs any convincing really to save her-- Gryffindors are useful cannon fodder and Potter has a strong savior complex. Hatred gleamed in their eyes. What if she was the third on the run with Thalia and Luke?What then? My hands were covered in dirt. Something dark and sticky and packed with loose particles. This is a fanfiction that, percy jackson becomes the new god of sky and thunder, and also the king of the gods. My Wise Girl hadnt given up on me, not after all this time. Hello Jackson, he said, brandishing a whip in my face. Be ready for war, an army marches on Olympus as soon as Gaea has been saved. I set my back against my pillows and laid down. Look at me when Im talking to you!. In one week, Percy's family is dead. The whispers started almost immediately and my fathers hand tightened almost in-perceptively on his trident. They bowed their heads, all remembering a great friend, no matter which side he was on. The blond girl looked at Percy one last time she looked sad, for some reason before going back to Jason and Piper. Well, in Percy's case some things might be taken literally. I stumbled backwards in shock, bumping up against the Iris message fountain. Then again, he couldnt remember much of anything now, could he? Please, Percy, she begged. It probably is Apollo, interrupted Frank. You have no power anymore. After the giant war, my life started on a steady incline. I mean they didnt really know you after all now did they?. That guy? Too much trouble to get him there, what, overnight? Frank said. I yawned, and one by one, my friends said goodbye to me and left the cabin. Sneaking through camp with a bag packed with enough drachmas and denarii for me to hitch a ride with the gray sisters for a transcontinental trip. Annabeth, you alright with being second-in-command? Her calculating gray eyes looked at him for a second, and eventually nodded. It was still desolate and cold, which I really wasnt expecting. Boss? Then, someone came out from behind Gaea, wielding Riptide and a killer smile. She had skillfully intercepted his sword with the hilt of her knife. "First of all, you know exactly what it means. Perfect for making an unseen getaway. No matter how many lies she thought I had told, Annabeth would alway love me. She turned around just in time to see her friends gathered in a circle around her an a figure whose sword pointed at her neck. He made a swipe for Annabeths midsection, which was blocked. Percy said, his voice raised, getting mad at his dad. I lay on the icy ground, quiet and motionless. Then the laughter started. I grabbed a prism and put it where the sun created a rainbow. Percy didnt know what he did before Lupafound him, but he mustve done something pretty stupid for the Fates or whoever deity stole his memories to give him a really hard time. You werent. Piper. It had been an ordinary day at camp, same activities, same campers and same Annabeth. It's the end of camp, and David decides to take in Max after he notices how terrible his parents are. I quietly packed a bag, muttering denials every few seconds even as I worked. Safe and Sound (Crush x Reader). That night, however, as I entered my cabin I felt like someone was watching me. A partial retelling of campaign one through the more streamlined lens of TLOVM. Porque todo lo que sucede en Slytherin, queda en Slytherin.Serie de historias con parejas GLPor favor leer las etiquetas/ No quiero quejas. How did you find the prophecy? asked Grover. How would that affect the story? Only, things could never be easy. How intelligent of you to realize that. The goddess voice was mocking and her smile was sinister. Out of nowhere, Percy lunged, raising his sword in a backhand slash. Whatever you say, Wisegirl. Instead of splashing her, I ran to my girlfriend and scooped her up into my arms. A few seconds later, Percy felt a hand delicately trace his spine, starting from the top and going lower towards the small of his back. This is a fanfiction that, percy jackson becomes the new god of sky and thunder, and also the king of the gods. He ignores it at first, and finds a video game-like controller connected to the screen, and he finds that he can walk around the city, like an avatar. Show me Percy at Hubbard Glacier! An image shimmered into view. Soon he was nothing more than a black speck amongst the clouds. Then, upon him announcing his presence by screaming, I slipped on some of said water and gave myself a mild concussion. They knew everything about each other, Andy knew about Scott's furr Percy is shipped of to a magic school in Scotland called Pigfarts or something like that by Chiron. Percy prepared himself for battle. I didnt die! He jumped and clicked his hooves together. Oh, I cant say no to you, I smiled. Hes mypup, centaur. Lupa snarled. Maybe hes closer to home than we think, suggested Hazel. Wait a minute. The tip impaled him, going so far that it was visible on the other side. I found an archive on wattpad but its missing a ton of the chapters and isnt complete. I soared across the waves, using them like a surfboard. We used to have this figured out. Please. Percy was lying on the grass with his eyes closed. I thought about Annabeth; her blonde curls, tan skin, killer attitude, and constant lemony smell. When you wake, youll be able to stand! I smiled. She was twelve when she figured she could control water. Just seeing them in visions tugged at my frail heartstrings. Earth, I thought to myself absentmindedly. Lets go then! exclaimed Hazel. But I just couldnt, my mind kept wandering back to that bad feeling steadily growing in the pit of my stomach. Puberty? Gaea came to me in a dream, the night Idisappeared. To the filthy gods of Olympus and demigods. He couldnt look away, though. Percy!. You'll see. Minor gods and goddesses outfitted with traditional Greek armor stood tall, flaunting their powers to the other side. No interfering! To his right, he heard the familiar rhythm of Reynas quickening footsteps. +3 more. There was something about those piercing gray eyes and that streak of gray in her hair. You already know Jason-. Dont tell a soul that you are leaving, anyone who finds out will be murdered. Fabulous. I looked around at my friends. There were barely any monster attacks. Its alright, I told them. This story is from and was written by Wisegirl6. The man in the wheelchair nodded. I feel a gust of wind. I smiled at the memories of Hazel and Frank that it brought up. Why would he feel this close to her? We dont know if hes remembered anything yet, so he might try to attack us. A New . Nicos face seemed shallower, and paler (it that was even possible). Why there's something calling to her in the woods that's getting stronger. He stole anything to survive. "Because, Percy, Zeus took my quote literally and, without telling anyone else, made a decree which you can find on your bed stand." Percy turned around and sure enough, there was a notebook. With a large pinwheel motion, a whitecap threw me onto Hubbard Glacier. What? Press J to jump to the feed. I hadnt seriously expected him to take me all the way to Hubbard Glacier. What are you so happy about? I demanded. I need my mother back. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Get us to Camp Half-Blood! He nodded and we dissolved into our own shadows. I forced myself to calm down, taking big breaths through my mouth. The man in the wheelchair from the Greeks side came forward as well. Action Adventure Fanfiction.Too Strong (OP Male Saiyan Son Kakarot. Its been ages. Lupa acknowledged him. Hubbard Glacier? Annabeth had her back to me, but as soon as I started moving, she whipped around. Jason, Leo, Frank and Hazel battled the earthborn while Annabeth, Nico, Piper and Grover hurried over to me. Whenever he was around her, it was like he ran on autopilot, completely instinctive, and that scared him. We just accepted it like it was no big surprise. All the Olympians were present, including Hades, and even most of the minor gods had been invited to the meeting. Nico! Well, most of the time. (LogOut/ I swear I almost had a heart attack between all the FEELS. Nobodys been able to block that attack of his before. Percy has just come out of the Giant War and can't wait to settle down with his Girlfriend. Ice stretched for a few miles. Wait, Jason! What happens when they get thrown in the shadow world? Beside him was a pretty brunette, her hands up in the air, too. No! "The Girls-Who-Lived", the Potter twins were named by the papers as celebrations spread across the country in the wake of Voldemort's defeat. She was a master of manipulation, having a millennia to perfect her talent, and I wouldnt put it past her to resort to something as low as trickery to get what she wants. The glacier wasnt far. How will the order react to finding out the truth that Voldemort has a "Family" and that there Swee Harry Potter/Percy Jackson Crossover similar expressions were on their faces. The centaur is definitely Chiron, stated Leo. And then there was me. Draco has a secret that he's kept for his entire life, not knowing why just knowing it's vitally important to his parents that he always remain something he's not. When Travis and Connor Stroll walked up to Percy with a can . I cant fight my way to the Underworld and back. The other pegasi were beginning to panic as well, sensing the black pegasus distress. Lets see if youre really Jason. Reyna muttered. Her eyes glinted in the evening sunlight, shining like diamonds. There stood my uncle Zeus. Unfortunately, the younger demigod wasnt fast enough. I swear, Ill buy you an entire bag of sugar when we get back., Yeah, yeah. All of the puzzle pieces slipped into place, pointing a very obvious arrow in the direction of Hubbard Glacier. It was entirely empty except for one wooden chest in the very middle. What will they choose Perseus is the eldest son of Kronos and rhea he is the king of Olympus. A torso bloomed into the familiar head and shoulders of the earth goddess, Gaea. The council was undoubtedly in session. Then the second passed. And then, not a week later, the Daily Prophet declared them dead. Percy, stop. The children of Rome assembled and the archers were getting ready to open fire on the ship when-. Thats not to mention the mortal heroes and other pantheons Percy is suddenly entangled with. The sun god had always like Percy, the kid was just so darn likeable. My Pegasus head swiveled around, looking at me with an expression that could only be described as confused. Ill try not to get kidnapped again. She smiled a watery smile. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What else am I supposed to do with a pen, paper, and books? The battlefield was quiet. He raised the whip above his head, giving me a chance to locate all of the chips of sharp glass intertwined with the leather. As far as he was concerned, she didnt belong beside anyone with blond hair and blue eyes (his ADHD brain wondered, off-task, why he didnt just say Jason. I hear she lives in New York. What if Percy Jackson was Perseus Adelaide Jackson? Anyone have a working link to the story? Im tired out already. My friends laughed. It would be easy, with Hazels help of course.. We thought bitterly of you even though you had never been a traitor. Gaea just laughed, sound so powerful I swear I could feel the ice shifting beneath me. > "Lilly was downright pissed. The pale, dark-haired kid was Nico di Angelo, son of Hades. So Hubb- wait. Because it came from her. But things don't go exactly as planned. Hey Jason? She shrieked and laughed as I turned her upside-down. She nodded slightly. No, Percy, not you too.. There was also the issue of whether this kid in front of him was the real Jason or not. You dont even understand how much you owe me right now. Blackjack deftly navigated the stables with all the swiftness a horse could manage. Your plan will fail and Olympus will not fall. Percy Jackson is once again offered Godhood after the end of The Second Giant War. Pulling Riptide from where it was discarded on the ice, he used the weapon to slice my shirt in half. Percy! He said. If you get caught, I wasnt even here. It filled every waking hour, my only reprieve when I succumbed to blessed unconsciousness. If you guys like it well enough I'll get all the chapters I currently have edited up. Yes little demigod, it was a trap. Luke. Now listen closely, I need you to go back to Hubbard Glacier. Either way, it was beginning to freak him out. I wonder what will happen next. Percy is turned into a mortal girl & wiped out from the memory of Camp half-Blood. Now you aremine, foolish boy and I will have my revenge on you and on Olympus!. She was shaking her head frantically, as if trying to deny what her trusted senses were telling her. Half-blood, medium rare; thats what! he told me, ruffling his feathers frantically. Hey, Percy. He could almost hear the frown in her voice, and again, his ADHD brain wondered how he knew her well enough to actually hear her facial expressions. Artemis was promised a chance to roam the memories of Nestra, an alternate universe version of the deceased Percy Jackson that is 80 years older than Percy was and also is a god now (on top of other things). It almost made him look hollow. With a running start that looked more like an ungainly shuffle, he took off into the sky. Annabeth stayed. He said he was in Hub-, then his line went dead. We have an entire legion of Roman and Greek demigods. It was foretold that Zeus's first wife, Metis, would have two children. //Adopted story// Harry's life changes one day when he's thrown out from the Dursley's, he gets ado. You are nothing compared to us! I wondered it Gaea could tell I was lying. It is time I stopped pretending to be on your side and revealed my true colors. At least the silence is nice here, I mused to myself. Luckily, he wasnt about to kill anyone but he did wound Jason and almost sent Frank barreling into an approaching hellhound trying to keep away. I had an idea. Perseus Cassiopeia Jackson had fought two wars, walked through Tartarus and defeated Primordials, Titans and Giants. Passing maths and preventing Kronos from rising at the same gods-damn time? When a freak accident exposes him as a her to bloody Harry Potter, she starts down a twisted road to learn the horrifying truth of why she had to be a boy. English. Thinking about camp was twice as horrible for me. After the giant war, my life started on a steady incline. Where was she? My knees grow weak and I collapse onto my hands. Theres something up ahead. Nico called out. ? We didnt even think it was a trick! If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. But that doesnt mean it doesnt work. Dammit, Jackson. Gaeas eyes opened and she drew in a breath through her nose, almost throwing me off of it. "Real love doesn't meet you at your best. She waved her earthen hand through the air and snow and ice particles collected in front of her, blurring the goddess to an outline. I ran towards him. Kronos won the war before the Olympians even knew there was one. He'd lost everything, even his own mortality as the Olympian's turned him into a god. empoleonz0 2 yr. ago. But is he really? It has a great start, true to the feel of Riordan himself. Blood just clung to me. Okay, boss, this is as far as Ill take you., My head bobbed into a nod. Please! Annabeth laughed as I hit her with another wave of water. Daughter you may ask well let me show you. Reyna. Sea green eyes blinked as he came to the last line. For your information this is a Percy x Hera fanfiction. (Besides, he would be lying if he said he wasnt the least bit attracted to her.). Yo Jason! 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., All Rights Reserved. But there was something different about him, something that I had never caught when staring at myself in the mirror. ""Oh, good.". The Mist was clearly protecting their vision, but whatever they thought they were seeing wasnt too hot either. Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. But you found that it was a trap, and you got stuck there, Frank guessed. A figure built itself up from the earth in the chest. My friends will come for me! All of you. A voice said. He was seventeen when he met Persephone Jackson. What did it say?. Id thought that our friendship was stronger than that. Gaeas shrill laugh echoed at me as two earthborns rose from the earth and grabbed my arms, pinning them at my sides. She made a half attempted retreat to the beach, winding her arms around herself to keep away the cold. What do you have, a couple of dracnae and an earthborn or two? It didnt even make sense! Great. Apparently this one was a little smarter than the rest of the earthborn Gaea usually raised. Nothing suspicious. I would have to do Gaeas stupid favour and find a way to get back quickly, before anyone noticed and raised an alarm. Persephone Jackson was five when her mom hauled ass and moved from New York to Gotham. It has, Lupa. ABBA, " ". Dec 18, 2020 - You are a the neglected son of the legendary goku. She was a daughter of Athena and he was a son of Poesi- Neptune. The young girl tending the hearth looked up, she had warm brown eyes but sometimes had flames within them, burning constantly, in her adult form she was 5'8 with brown hair. Hey! A family fu. Goddess, accept my offering, Ichanted. A child born of prophecy, a child born to power a boy who conquered the world, defender of the gods and creator of peace, the powerful son of poseidon, a boy who is the epitome of demigod power, the hero of olympus, Preator, Head camper, camp leader, survivor of tartarus, boyfriend, a person's fate the fates seemed of spun with barbed wire, a story known to thousands. The one thing I dont like about Pegasus riding is the feathers. I would be lying if I told you that you have more than a millionth of a chance at escape, so Im not even going to go there.. Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena. For a second, Reynas face was shocked, but then she got over it and narrowed her eyes. Required fields are marked *. Seph was sixteen when her world as she knew started to change. I might be gone, but the idea of me is eternal., I gripped her nose, digging my nails into the suddenly soft earth. Were in Frisco now! Leo yelled out. She shook her head and gave me a goblet of nectar. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). There is something that I left there I might need in the future. The child of Rome then turned towards the daughter of Athena a few feet away and asked. I was starting to feel guilty for making Blackjack carry me all this way. This is the edited version from Wattpad. So what youre saying is, well need Annabeth to deal with Percy. Piper said. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Percy was fast asleep beside her. Percy has faced down the horrors of war and the mythological world. From the earth in the chest emerged another figure. He brought the whip down on a nearly indistinguishable Percy. It bounced back at me until I was sure there was more than one person laughing. As the whip hit Percys back, he flinched and cried out. Oh, is little Perseus upset? she mocked. Athena always has a plan, after all. I'm posting this here since like a lot of people the recent stuff going on is a bitmuch. And then suddenly, he was kissing her, holding her in his arms and looking at her with wonderastonishmentneedlove as a whisper escaped his lips. Thought Id let you know where your Achilles Spot is before you accidentally kill yourself. She grumbled before pulling her hand away from that patch of skin on his back. I knew exactly who to talk to. (Feb 13, 2021) Percy jackson fanfiction zeus and hera lemon Percy jackson Hephaestus, Hestia, Apollo, Artemis, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon raised their percy son of zeus fanfiction (Feb 13, 2021) Whats. Create your website today. I didnt like the ending much, so I decided to continue where she left off. Born in Gotham by Grandma Ester. There's a new Olympian on the council. Percy practiced at being a hero. Almost everyone on board was on the deck, with the exception of Chiron, his sister, and Leo. I needed someone I could trust to get me to Alaska. pjo; clintbarton; dead7 +16 more # 19. Hello there, he said in a voice just like mine. I gazed at the screen in disbelief as the colors on the screen warped and twisted into an image of my cabin. Gaea raised her arm about the remaining dirt in the chest, making a motion like she was lifting something heavy. Instead of joining Kronos Luke hears a cry for help what will happen when he and his friend follow the strange voice all the way to Tartarus. We hated you when you had saved both campsand Olympus. Chaos decides that the gods have not appreciated the male demigods, constantly getting them killed and having sex with the female ones. It was obviously designed to bring pain to the victim. Another friend who had left her. Please consider turning it on! She whispered something and Malcolm began to laugh while the girl slapped him and pulled out a bronze sword Wait bronze sword, oh no. Anybody who could have been watching would almost say that my smile was devilish. Heir Harry Potter is goading her. linkffn(11396276; 4606270; 11862560) To Reach Without is the best written and most serious of these. I cried out every time they used it. Well. I swung my head around, letting the sun catch my sea green eyes. Not ever. Shoot. He smirked. Namely sending Medusa's head to the Olympians in a way that was practically taunting and mocking . Percy, no, I whispered. My neck turned so quickly I almost got whiplash. Sequel to New Girl, Camp Half-Blood and Jupiter are back with more amazing stories! Poseidon fling the letter into Zeus lap, settling down on his throne once more. But something strange is going on at Olympus. by. She had dressed sluttier, she'd flirted more .